My Why

For 2 months, my title has been simply "Mom". I am nearly ready to reengage my titles once more as "Co-Founder" and "Mom" [of 3]. Two titles that are deeply me. Coexisting together. Finding that daily change in equilibrium.
In just a couple weeks, I'll be full-time back in my company, Tentho, and our team and our members. I have cherished being simply "mama" these last two months getting to know our baby girl and watching her two older brothers engage in their loving and proud roles. This time has not been taken for granted. My first maternity leave but third child.
In this final month of leave, I am reengaging my mind. Reengaging society. Finding our new rhythm as now a family of 5. Bringing back my independence. And finding my connection once again to the title of "Co-Founder". And not giving up an ounce of my "Mom" title but instead doubling down on its importance in my life.
Maybe I felt this before but now I have been able to define it.
The "Mom" title is truly my "why". Being a mom pushes me forward with ambition. Motivates me in business. Empowers my creativity as an entrepreneur.
This is timely. Perhaps kismet. Each August is my own personal yearly reset. My personal New Year.
Eager and hungry to build, create, and grow in this 2023-2024 year.
Filling up the cup,
Co-Founder of Tentho – the Future of Accounting.
Contact me directly if you are interested in using Tentho as a board member, CFO, tax accountant, or financial accountant.